Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hey guys how's it going? Its going well here. I'll get the worldly stuff out of the way first. I heard about the JBW (Joseph B. Wirthlin) thing that the Utes are doing and I think that is the coolest thing, they have to win now! haha. Dad, I was wondering if you would copy and paste in my email after all the bowls are done a list of all the scores? ESPN will have one. I'm way glad we are playing Alabama though; I think we have a good shot against them. Ok, so what i want for c
Christmas is a simple CD player with external speakers, a list of music I'll send you this week, and tape recorder like the one on Home Alone. A lot of kids have them here and they are way cool. I can record myself speaking Spanish and send it to you. haha. I don't think they are that expensive. The camera is working beautifully. Thanks so much for that, I love it. I've got some great pictures to send you guys. Oh and in my Christmas package, I would also like some more pictures of Harley maybe with his football and Harley Davidson paraphernalia. and I want some pictures of the cats too. Make sure they are good ones too please.

Well about my companions, elder Ahmad's dad actually doesn't know he is on a mission. His parents are divorced, and doesn't talk to his dad much. So that pretty cool he's here. Elder Hurst is a simple farmer and pretty easy to get along with though. Elder Ahamd is getting on my nerves fast though. He is the slowest person on earth. He does everything at a quarter speed. He combs his hair every morning for 15 minutes and probably takes one brush per minute and just stares at himself. It is sooo weird. he also starts every sentence with, "Back in Texas", or "Texas is better than Utah because....", Finally I had to tell him, "Elder were not in Texas and no body cares." That helped haha. I saw Brett too. We actually have the same meal times so I see him three times everyday. He's doing really well and loves it here. He has gain 12 pounds already! I'm back down to 226 so I am losing weight. To answer your question about Sister Maucotel, the simple answer is "no". She is so overbearingly self righteous and an inscent know- it-all. She is not that talented either. I think if she lived here in Utah she would blend right in. She's not a stand out and kind of hard to deal with. Oh well, its all good I'm almost out of time so I'll hear from you tomorrow. see ya

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